So all good Americans can breathe a sigh of relief and look forward to a return of sanity, now that The Donald handily won the election, ending the atrocious four-year misrule of Joe Biden and closing the book on his … Read the rest of this article.
Those Quirky Arab Oil Sheikdoms
First of all, let’s define Arab, a word that has an unpleasant ring to American ears thanks to many years of Jewish media brainwashing modeled on Pavlov’s dogs. An Arab is someone who speaks Arabic. It is a linguistic term, … Read the rest of this article.
Let’s Talk About Donald Trump
I am polishing these words just a few weeks before the November 5th presidential election which, needless to say, will be watched closely by Americans of every variety, and by most of the rest of the world. It’s going to … Read the rest of this article.
To the Vendors of the World
Among the many things I’ve learned from traveling to impoverished countries is that daily life is a struggle for a lot of people on this planet – and with our ever-growing tent cities here in the U.S. you don’t have … Read the rest of this article.
How Noble of Israel
Every literate person has heard the adage, “The first casualty of war is the truth.” That goes for one-sided massacres as well, which is what the so-called war in Gaza, and lately in the West Bank, appears to be. Unless … Read the rest of this article.
Sad Sequel to “Alcohol’n’Me”
I have no idea how many people visit my website, but I’m sure it’s much less than I’d like. That’s my own fault. I don’t do social media, I don’t post new material often, and I never respond to email … Read the rest of this article.
Peter Hotez — One Sick Bastard
All you have to do to understand the criminal nature of vaccines is take a good look at the prominent people who push them so hard. Bill Gates is a fine example. As one of the world’s richest men, who … Read the rest of this article.
Look to the Taliban! Afghanistan Adventure
Afghanistan. The name instantly conjures up all kinds of unpleasant images in the infantile American mind: the launching pad for the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001; Osama bin-Laden’s hideout; endless civil strife; suicide bombings; shadowy terrorist groups; U.S. soldiers … Read the rest of this article.
Don’t Go to College (and Other Thoughts on Education)
Ask any boomer and he’ll tell you how it was drilled into our heads, as teenagers, that “you can’t get anywhere without a college education.” What that actually meant was that you couldn’t get a job that paid well. When … Read the rest of this article.
I’m at a Loss
I titled this category “The Covid Vaccine Blog” not “The Vaccine Blog,” because the carnage caused by the Covid vaccine is an extremely pressing issue, and I figured that everything I had to say about vaccines in general is to … Read the rest of this article.