It took doctors more than 2000 years to figure out that bloodletting – the practice of draining blood from a patient to cure an illness – made no sense, and caused a lot of harm. It took them 400 years to figure out that variolation – which like vaccination, was supposed to prevent smallpox – didn’t work, and amid widespread disillusionment the procedure was abandoned in the late 1700s. Future generations – what’s left of them – will look back at vaccination as the most useless and criminally insane (but extremely profitable) medical practice of all, which has now reached the end of the line with the murderous Covid-19 injection campaign.
It never fails to amaze me how easy it is, with a little investigation, to demolish the myth that vaccines have greatly benefited humanity, that they have saved millions of lives and wiped out once dreaded diseases. But most people are unwilling or unable to investigate anything, Most people are even incapable of reading a serious book and understanding what they read. It’s much easier to call people names, like little kids on the playground. I’ve read and heard a thousand comments from ignorant know-it-alls mocking us anti-vaxxers with the same old names, over and over: fringe, loon, crank, crackpot, flat-earther, anti-science, etc. Some resort to pure vitriol, and even profanity-laced death wishes. Such people have always been with us. They remind me of the rabble who, century after century, enjoyed watching heretics – individuals much more intelligent than they – burned at the stake, a punishment to which Galileo was almost sentenced. (And God knows, I’m not comparing myself to Galileo, nor am I the first to research vaccines and conclude that they’re a total fraud.) Most people in the 1600s preferred to ridicule this immortal scientist rather than to look through his magnificent telescope for themselves and see that Church dogma about the solar system was all wrong. Human nature hasn’t changed since then.
I’ve learned not to debate pro-vaccine people. Rather, I want to give them the opportunity to show the whole world what a chump I am. So here’s my offer: SHOW ME ONE PRO-VACCINE BOOK SINCE 1796 THAT HAS STOOD THE TEST OF TIME, OR SHOW ME ONE VACCINE DEVELOPER SINCE 1796 WHO WASN’T A FAILURE, SWINDLER OR PSYCHOPATH, AND I’LL GIVE YOU $30,000. I will publish every reply I receive on this page, up to 1000 words. I’m not afraid of the truth. I’m not going to censor anyone, like the mainstream news and social media giants do.
Hey, maybe I’m wrong about all this. Here’s your big chance to prove it, and earn a nice cash payout too. How ’bout it all you “experts,” you public health officials, pediatricians, media mouthpieces and keyboard commandos? I look forward to your reply.
DISCLAIMER: This offer is made with the understanding that it is ABSOLUTELY NOT LEGALLY BINDING. I assert this only because I want to protect myself from any troublemaker who submits, for example, a bedtime story about the big hero Jonas Salk, taken from any of numerous websites, supposedly “proving” that his vaccine ended the scourge of polio, then sues me for breach of contract, anticipatory repudiation, infliction of emotional distress, the whole nine yards, when I reject such proof. (I dismantle Salk and the polio vaccine myth on pages 50-70 of my book, so if you can disprove all that, you win thirty grand.) This actually happened in the 1980s to the Institute for Historical Review, a publisher of revisionist history books based in California, which offered a $50,000 prize to anyone who could prove that Jews were gassed at Auschwitz, only to be hit by a lawsuit by one Mel Mermelstein, one of those many lucky Holocaust survivors who somehow avoided the phantom gas chambers then cashed in on it. You can read an account of this lengthy court battle on Wikipedia. I have better things to do than get sued, dragged for years through the dysfunctional “justice” system, then bankrupted by creatures like this.
Just fill in the email contact form below to reply, and make sure that the subject line contains the words “$30,000 Offer Entry.” Alternatively, you can send me a letter, stating clearly that it is for the $30,000 offer, addressed to John Massaro, P.O. Box 45, Jeffersonville, NY 12748.
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