Every literate person has heard the adage, “The first casualty of war is the truth.” That goes for one-sided massacres as well, which is what the so-called war in Gaza, and lately in the West Bank, appears to be. Unless … Read the rest of this article.
Peter Hotez — One Sick Bastard
All you have to do to understand the criminal nature of vaccines is take a good look at the prominent people who push them so hard. Bill Gates is a fine example. As one of the world’s richest men, who … Read the rest of this article.
I’m at a Loss
I titled this category “The Covid Vaccine Blog” not “The Vaccine Blog,” because the carnage caused by the Covid vaccine is an extremely pressing issue, and I figured that everything I had to say about vaccines in general is to … Read the rest of this article.
My Letter to Robert Malone
As an afterthought, I’m writing this introduction after finishing the letter below, which I emailed to rwmalonemd@substack.com on March 20. Do I expect to get a personal reply from Malone? Of course not. But letters and emails to public figures … Read the rest of this article.
A Tale of Three Roberts
The first news about a novel coronavirus that struck Wuhan, China – the virus, real or imagined, that would come to be known as Covid-19 – was reported in the U.S. on or about December 31, 2019. Thus, the Age … Read the rest of this article.
Covid Jab Update
While researching my book Will Vaccines Be the End of Us?, from time to time I would come across the claim that vaccines would be deliberately used to kill off billions of people. These wild allegations appeared exclusively on the … Read the rest of this article.
What’s Up with China?
At the beginning of Will Vaccines Be the End of Us? I wrote a page headed “Maybe China can teach us a few things.” It was about a top Chinese public health official named Zheng Xiaoyu who was sentenced to … Read the rest of this article.
Dad Tested Positive for Satan
Much of the world is in turmoil over everything related to Covid. I can’t help but believe that our current situation is similar to what happened in ancient times when, throughout the civilized world of the Roman Empire, people must … Read the rest of this article.
Anti-Vaxxer: What’s in a Word?
This is a serious discussion, but no one is ever going to take the imp out of me, so I’ll begin it with an off-color but relevant story.
Many years ago my ex-wife and I were traveling around France in … Read the rest of this article.
Canada, Russia and Australia: Globalist Wirepullers Play Their Hand
This is the first time in more than a month that I’m writing on this blog, and much has been happening on the Covid front. At present, the media have bigger fish to fry in the Ukraine, their newest global … Read the rest of this article.