A Tale of Three Roberts

The first news about a novel coronavirus that struck Wuhan, China – the virus, real or imagined, that would come to be known as Covid-19 – was reported in the U.S. on or about December 31, 2019.  Thus, the Age of Covid was ushered in at the very beginning of 2020, though it wasn’t until March 13, after more than two months of steadily mounting fear propaganda cranked out by the media, that Donald Trump, then squatting in the White House, declared a state of emergency.

Since then, and especially since the Covid-19 injection campaign began on December 14, 2020, scores of self-styled spokesmen and authorities, most of them dissenting doctors, previously unknown to the public, have popped up out of nowhere and made a name for themselves.  I’ve read or listened to the opinions and presentations of at least thirty of these new achievers, and while they represent a wide range of character and credibility, most of them are fighting the good fight.  Hardly any, however, have come right out and said that this is the end, it’s time to scrap the whole idea of vaccination because it’s an endless saga of fraud and evil.  (This latest and deadliest concoction technically is not a vaccine at all, of course, but the same old gangsters are promoting it.)  In fact, I know of two prominent doctors – Scott Atlas and Jay Bhattacharya, both affiliated with Stanford University – who decried the fact that many children were missing out on their shots during the disruptive 2020 lockdowns.  In my opinion, this was the only good thing that happened in 2020.  A few other renowned doctors continued to support the idea of injecting seniors with the Covid vax poison, even after the widespread harm this shot was causing became clear.

Unsurprisingly, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. weighed in on the issue.  He was one of the very few, among the field of rookies, who had been a longtime outspoken critic of the vaccine industry, having taken up the cause around 2005.  He already had picked up millions of supporters, mostly parents of vaccine-damaged children – easy to do when you’re handsome and your last name is Kennedy.  I will concede that he has done good work in spreading awareness of vaccine dangers, and the fetid corruption of the big-name vaccine pushers and profiteers – speaking truth to power, as they say.  But I never really liked this guy.  He wrote the foreword to Kevin Barry’s Vaccine Whistleblower: Exposing Autism Research Fraud at the CDC, published in 2015.  This book is a transcript of four telephone calls, secretly but legally recorded between Dr. Brian Hooker, an activist father of an autistic child, and a conscience-stricken CDC scientist named William Thompson.  This is how Kennedy begins his foreword: “I have always been fiercely pro-vaccine.  I had all six of my children vaccinated.  I believe that vaccines have saved millions of lives and that broad vaccine coverage is desirable.  To achieve those goals, we need safe vaccines, transparent and reliable science, and an independent regulatory agency….”  Now how can anyone write so scathingly, and brilliantly, about the dangers of vaccines and the evil people surrounding them, then turn around and claim to be not only pro-vaccine, but fiercely so?  He tells us he had all his children shot up, but doesn’t tell us what vaccines they got and how many doses.  He repeats the old mantra that vaccines have saved millions of lives, but like everyone else who praises them, never goes into detail.  Broad coverage is desirable, he says, but what exactly does that mean, and why does he use such a vague term?  RFK arrived in this cockamamie world two months after I did, which means that he couldn’t have gotten more than the six doses I got as a child, and our generation did just fine – so why now does he favor “broad coverage,” which implies a hell of a lot more than six doses for kids?  And since there has never been a vaccine batch guaranteed to be safe, and by definition there never can be, how does he propose to change that?  For the remainder of his six-page foreword, however, he makes a lot of sense.  In fact, most of what he writes on the subject makes sense.

Nevertheless, I’m not aware that this man has ever retracted his claim to be fiercely pro-vaccine.  Furthermore, despite his repeated denunciations of vaccine overload that children endure today – which contradicts his desire for “broad coverage” – he has never recommended dropping any vaccine from the CDC schedule.  Recently, I read something on the internet – I wish I had jotted down the source – about someone asking him which childhood vaccines should be eliminated.  He gave an evasive answer, something like “That’s for the experts to decide, not me.”  I can’t keep track of everything Kennedy writes, so if he’s changed his outlook on anything I’ve discussed, I’ll correct myself.

I did read his book The Real Anthony Fauci, which was published in November 2021, the same month my own book was published.  It quickly sold more than a million copies.  I’ve sold about 100 copies so far, in addition to two or three hundred sold by organizations I support.  As I said, with a name like Kennedy you can’t go wrong.  Strangely, his book landed on the prestigious New York Times bestseller list, which impresses boobs, but from what I understand, not only was it never reviewed in this newspaper but the editors refused a full-page ad submitted by Skyhorse, the New York publisher which has brought out several books critical of vaccines.  (On June 15, 2022 I sent a letter and a copy of my own book to Tony Lyons, the founder and president of Skyhorse Publishing, asking if we could work something out, as I could use the publicity, but he never replied.)  I have mixed feelings about The Real Anthony Fauci, but mostly positive ones.  It’s definitely worth reading.  It focuses not only on Fauci, but on Bill Gates and a nest of other scoundrels and psychopaths who flop around in the overflowing cesspool of Big Pharma and public health.  I’ve long been familiar with the big picture this book illustrates, but not with many small, sordid details, none of which surprised me.  My main criticism is that RFK takes the Covid scamdemic seriously, and in too many places he injects his insufferable liberalism.  The man really is a confused puppy on a lot of issues.  It has never failed to amaze me how nominally intelligent people can think very clearly in some ways, yet in other ways are retards.

Back on April 6, 2018, I wrote Bobby Kennedy a courteous letter, telling him about my own extensive vaccine research and the book I was writing.  I mentioned in a critical but polite way his statement about being fiercely pro-vaccine.  He had written somewhere that there never had been a long-term study comparing vaccinated with unvaccinated children, and I offered to collaborate with him on such a study – one of many impractical efforts that has added color to my life story.  I mailed the letter to his Manhattan residence, which I found on the internet.  I realized it was a longshot, but as they say in the New York state lottery commercials, “Hey, you never know.”  I never heard from him.

Upon writing the previous paragraph, I took a little break.  I remembered seeing yet another book that RFK had in the works, so I did a quick search.  The title is Vaxed-Unvaxxed: Let the Science Speak, co-authored with the aforementioned Brian Hooker.  It’s about to be published as I write.  I also logged on to Kennedy’s website, childrenshealthdefense.com, and found something about his vaccine safety project, with a detailed six-step overview to accomplish this goal.  I was not impressed.  Except for a brief passage in step six, which mentioned individual rights to refuse a vaccination, it was all toothless half-measures sure to be laughed at and thrown in the waste basket by any bureaucrat.  None of them address the core problem of children getting far too many vaccines, nor, needless to say, do any of them question the need for vaccines in the first place.  Robert Kennedy was beginning to smell.

Out of curiosity, I then went to a January 3, 2023 healthimpactnews.com article I had copied, but not completely read, entitled “Has Wall Street hijacked the vaccine resistance movement by funding pro-vaccine spokespeople to speak against Covid vaccines?”  Bobby K was featured, along with other recently emerged stars like Peter McCullough, who have done some good but who nevertheless retained their ties to the medical and pharmaceutical establishment, and are still pro-vaccine.  There was a 26-second YouTube clip which began with Kennedy again emphasizing – his word – that he was fiercely pro-vaccine, had all his children vaccinated, and this time he added that “We should have policies that encourage full vaccination for all Americans.”  What??  The article showed a photo of Kennedy with the caption “$497,013 salary.”  There was a link to Children’s Health Defense (CHD) 2021 tax return, IRS form 990, “Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax,” and sure enough, not only did this dirtbag earn half a million dollars as head of this 501c3 “non-profit” organization, but CHD took in $15,695,358 in contributions and grants that year.  An inquiry made by the website editor Brian Shilhavy as to where all this money came from went unanswered.  Parenthetically, I had no idea that people who worked for non-profit organizations can legally draw a salary.  The tax return showed that there are eight employees on the CHD payroll, with RFK listed as chairman and chief legal counsel.  He was by far the highest paid.  (President and director Mary S. Holland, number two on the list, earned a measly $180,000.)  In addition to his exorbitant salary, the approximate net worth of this Janus-faced jerk-off is $60 million, according to wealthypersons.com.  Robert F. Kennedy Jr. was born into wealth and privilege and that’s all he knows.  The millions who think he’s a “man of the people” in his battle against the vaccine criminals are badly fooled.  Like quite a few men in the Kennedy clan, including his father and two uncles, John the president and Ted the senator, RFK Jr. has some grave character defects.  Much of his personal life is a shambles.  In fact, I think his father – who along with his Uncle John had an affair with Marilyn Monroe while they were in office – murdered this sad, exploited woman, on the night of August 4, 1962 by spiking her drink with poison.  She felt used by the Kennedys and had threatened to go public with details of her bedroom fun with both of them.  You can investigate that juicy story online and decide for yourself if the 1982 tearful confession made to a detective by the actor Peter Lawford, the Kennedys’ brother-in-law, who said he was there that night and witnessed the murder after a furious Kennedy assaulted her, is true.  It sounds true to me.  Nor is that the only grievous crime attributed to RFK Sr., but I don’t want to make this a four-Robert essay.  Not to forget Mary Jo Kopechne and her last ride with Uncle Ted on the night of July 18, 1969.  Possibly drunk, Kennedy drove his Oldsmobile 88 off a bridge into a pond, leaving the young woman to drown in the submerged car while he swam to shore.  He didn’t report the accident until the next morning.  One hell of a bloodline, I must say.  I grew up with the Kennedys, so to speak.  JFK was assassinated just before my tenth birthday, and RFK Sr. when I was a freshman in high school.  It was something to live through those times, and something more to learn the ugly facts about this messed-up family over the years, which are totally at odds with their public image and the wholesome Camelot myth I remember from childhood.  But I digress.  

Bobby Sox Junior, who may be our next president, spent much of his career as a big shot lawyer going after various huge corporations throughout the Western hemisphere whose operations were poisoning the environment.  I’ve never looked into this litigation so I’m not going to comment on it.  If Robert accomplished anything worthwhile then fine, more power to him, because I’m all for protecting the natural world from toxic waste, and bringing major polluters to justice, by which I mean long prison sentences at the very least.  But I suspect it was mostly legal showboating.  Kennedy strikes me as a born publicity hound, a man who is addicted to media attention as earnestly as he was once addicted to heroin.  I don’t see much difference between him and Al Sharpton.

Putting aside his Bible thumping, I think very highly of Brian Shilhavy.  He’s a fair and honest man who’s on top of his subject.  He has some old friends at CHD, and on his own site has reposted an abridged video of Dr. Judy Mikovits that first appeared on the CHD site – “proving that they do put out some very fine work,” in his words.  And as much as I dislike RFK Jr., things are not always black and white.  As I said, The Real Anthony Fauci is a superb read, and it’s incongruous that he posted an interview with the somewhat ornery Judy Mikovits on his site.  Shilhavy, Mikovits and Jon Rappoport are the only advocates I’ve come across who are total and unequivocal anti-vaxxers.  There may be others, but they’re the only prominent ones I know of who have come right out and said that ALL vaccines are unnecessary, and ALL of them are potentially dangerous.  Even Dr. Suzanne Humphries, for whom I have the greatest respect, has held back from making this open declaration, though it’s implicit in her excellent book, co-authored with Roman Bystrianyk, Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and the Forgotten History.  But let me move on to the next Robert.

* * *

Robert Gallo was born in 1937 in Connecticut and went on to pursue a career in biology, viruses and medical research, eventually becoming a muckety-muck at the National Cancer Institute (NCI), one of the many tentacles of the Department of Health and Human Services leviathan.  He’s now living out his sunset years in obscurity somewhere.  He has no connection with Covid, but back in the 1980s and 90s he, along with a colleague named Anthony Fauci, was at the top of the AIDS research totem pole.  He went on to become one of the most disgraced human beings ever to call himself a scientist.  It’s a long, sordid story, even an amusing one at times, the essentials of which I can only briefly mention here.

Basically, Bob Gallo was a crude, ambitious, mediocre little man with an eye on scientific immortality, in particular a longtime obsession with winning the Nobel Prize for medicine for discovering HIV, the human immunodeficiency virus, said to cause AIDS.  Gallo, however, had persuaded Luc Montagnier, a French virologist also researching AIDS, to send him a sample of this retrovirus, which Gallo then cultivated, claiming to be its original discoverer.  That was the highlight of his nonstop shenanigans.  There are many more details in the public record for those wanting to dig deeper. 

On pages 180-184 of The Real Anthony Fauci, RFK Jr. rips Gallo to shreds, portraying him as a world-class charlatan, though in my humble opinion, as I’ve made clear, Kennedy himself qualifies for that title.  He relies on a book published in 2003 that I haven’t read, Science Fictions: A Scientific Mystery, a Massive Cover-up and the Dark Legacy of Robert Gallo, by a Chicago Tribune reporter named John Crewdson, who “meticulously documents Gallo’s brazen flimflam, perhaps the boldest, most outrageous and most consequential con operation in the history of science.”  Bobby may have resorted to a bit of hyperbole here, but judging by the many glowing reviews on Amazon, Science Fictions does appear to be a forthright and powerful work.

I flipped through a book on my shelf that I read many years ago, And the Band Played On, which delves into the people and politics behind the AIDS epidemic in the 1980s.  The author, Randy Shilts, was an openly queer journalist based in San Francisco who died of AIDS in 1994, seven years after his book was published.  I recalled that there was a lot of dirt on Gallo and I wanted to refresh my memory.  It validated what I’m sure Crewdson wrote about.  Anyone who gets excited by the word science, who thinks that so-called scientists are intelligent and dignified people, has another think coming.  Many, if not most of them, are mean, petty creatures who form cliques and frequently engage their rivals in nasty catfights.  What’s funny about Gallo is that he was a flaming lowlife who rubbed so many people the wrong way, yet so full of himself that he never seemed to consider that he would be exposed.

The rancor between the NCI and the Pasteur Institute in Paris, where Montagnier was based, became a soap opera.  It reached a point where the French institute filed a lawsuit against the NCI.  Big money over the AIDS blood test patent was at stake, but beyond that there was a great deal of resentment among French researchers that their man Montagnier had been upstaged by an American punk who was trying to steal the show.  There was very little media coverage of this, but it sparked a huge ruckus in the international scientific community, almost like a disputed referee’s call in deciding the World Cup soccer match.  In the end, in 1987, a compromise was reached with both men being recognized as “co-discoverers” of the AIDS virus – a settlement that went all the way to the top, finalized at a White House ceremony by President Ronald Reagan and French president Jacques Chirac!   But there was no co-discovery because Gallo was a thief, plain and simple, and his team at the NCI knew it.  In 2008, justice prevailed when Montagnier was awarded the Nobel Prize for his discovery, and Gallo snubbed by the Nobel committee.

One more story is worth bringing out.  In Edward Hooper’s wonderful book The River: A Journey to the Source of HIV and AIDS, Gallo is mentioned several times.  One great thing about The River, published in 1999, is that Hooper goes into detail about his personal interactions with many of the people he interviewed in conducting his research.  In 1990, while talking with a senior scientist in a lab at the NCI in Bethesda, Maryland, Gallo, who had heard about Hooper’s arrival and knew about his project, unexpectedly walked into the room, smiling, his hand extended to Hooper before reaching him, and said, “Now why do I get the feeling that you and I are going to get along?”  That immediately tells me something about a man, something amiss.  The next day, Gallo took Hooper out to breakfast at a fancy restaurant, Hooper’s tape recorder on the table, and he was to see him one more time at the main NCI building.  Hooper asked him many questions.  At breakfast, “I found him to be a sympathetic listener and a good talker, with a decent sense of humor to boot.  Only occasionally, when I probed a little deeper, did he show that he could also be prickly.”  He noted that Gallo became quite indignant and garbled in his explanation when the conversation turned to an ongoing dispute with the Pasteur Institute over the nomenclature of the AIDS virus.  During their last brief chat, Gallo offered a slippery explanation as to why his name appeared on an erroneous paper concerning the virus.  It was only two years later that Hooper realized that Gallo had flat-out lied to him.

It was also years later, as Hooper recounts many chapters further on, that he learned that Gallo had been a stalwart defender of Hilary Koprowski, who had sued Rolling Stone magazine for defamation over an article published on March 19, 1992, asserting that Koprowski may have inadvertently spawned the AIDS epidemic in central Africa by way of a mass oral polio vaccination campaign he supervised in the late 1950s.  I read that article, written by a Tom Curtis, and thought it was very fair – indeed, too fair to a slimy creature like Koprowski – and that the charge of defamation was absurd.  Koprowski, whom Hooper interviewed twice, is a major figure in The River.  He was twenty years older than Gallo.  Hooper went on to learn that, not only had Gallo spoken and written warmly about Koprowski, but even though their careers and backgrounds did not overlap, the two helped each other out professionally, and shared a close father-son relationship.  I wrote a fair amount about Koprowski in my own book.  In my opinion, prior to the Age of Covid, and with the possible exception of Bill Gates, he was the most homicidal vaccine-pushing beast who ever lived.  Anyone who would stick up for him must be extremely defective in his own right, and that’s all I’ll say about Robert Gallo.

Before moving on to Robert number three, I want to say a few words about Ed Hooper, The River, and related matters.  Hooper is an honorable man of exceptional intellectual honesty.  This shines through in a way that’s absent from anything Robert Kennedy Jr. has written.  The River, at more than a thousand pages long, is the greatest scientific enquiry I have ever read.  I was so taken by this book that I wrote a separate chapter about it in my own book.  And – wonder of wonders – like RFK Jr., Ed Hooper is a flaming liberal, and most incongruously, given the content of his book, pro-vaccine as well.  But that’s where the similarity between the two men ends.

Those of us who believe we’ve made an important and original contribution to the repository of knowledge – whether for the progress of our own people, or for humanity as a whole – want to be recognized for it.  I readily admit that I want to be recognized for the book I’ve written, and for being one of the very few openly calling out vaccines for the total fraud that they are.  If that makes me vain in your eyes, so be it, but I don’t see it that way.  It’s certainly not about money in my case – I’ve always lived very frugally and like it that way – nor do I want to be on national television, or in any other spotlight.  If there was a way of knowing that people everywhere would read of my accomplishment posthumously – in the manner of Ignaz Semmelweis or Gregor Mendel, for example – I’d be most happy to live out my remaining years as the simple, private man I’ve always been.  What resonates for me is a favorite saying of the great Dr. William Pierce, from an old Norse saga: “Kinsmen die and cattle die, and so must one die oneself.  But there is one thing I know which never dies, and that is the fame of a dead man’s deeds.” 

Being human, I’m resentful towards some of these people who have suddenly appeared on the scene in the last few years, and seem hell-bent on taking undue credit for exposing the dangers of the Covid jab – especially those who continue to be pro-vaccine.  Where the hell were they before all this Covid nonsense started?  And I’m not saying that they’re bad people (though a few of them are), or that they haven’t done some good.  It’s just that they haven’t paid their dues, they haven’t earned their place in the sun, and furthermore, most of them appear to be quite wealthy or well-connected or both.  I don’t feel that way at all towards people like Suzanne Humphries and Ed Hooper, who toiled in obscurity, putting many years of blood, sweat and tears into their investigations.  Dr. Humphries sacrificed a lucrative career as a nephrologist in a Maine hospital, after seeing the terrible effects of vaccines, mainly the flu shot, on her dialysis patients.  She became an outcast in her profession, and co-authored what I consider the definitive book on the history of vaccines, mentioned above.  If that book, and not mine, should stand as the final word on the subject – if I live to be 200 I guess I’ll find out – I wouldn’t be jealous in the least.  For all her efforts, and for her boldness in forsaking modern medicine, she deserves the fame.

Then take a guy like Ed Hooper, who spent nine years researching his masterpiece, traveling extensively around Europe, North America and Africa, and interviewing more than 600 people, some of them world-famous in the field of vaccines and viruses, to get to the truth of how and where AIDS originated.  The River was published in 1999, and what does he have to show for it?  Although the book got many excellent reviews on Amazon, I’ve never seen it for sale in any bookstore, and a computer check years ago revealed that only two of the 107 public libraries on Long Island stocked it.  How many people have heard of this man, compared to Robert Kennedy, whose book sold over a million copies before Anthony Fauci knew what hit him?  Ed and his great book are now far advanced on the road to oblivion, it seems.  I notice that he hasn’t updated his website, aidsorigins.com, since May 31, 2022.  Forgotten as he is, I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s now a bitter old man, and if so, I sympathize with him.  Justice is hard to come by in this world.  

* * *

Dr. Robert Malone was one of several obscure denizens of the Deep State – which I define as the vast quantity of useless people who make a lot of money while entrenched in major public and private institutions – to burst on the scene as a Covid celebrity.  According to biographydaily.com, Malone’s net worth as of a year ago was $20 to $25 million.  Another new face and Covid jab influencer, who suddenly saw the light and came out of nowhere, and who has become a linchpin of sorts in this movement, is Silicon Valley entrepeneur Steve Kirsch, worth well over $200 million.  Kirsch, who thinks he’s smart, is clueless and unprincipled in some ways, but he’s done some solid grunt work and stuck his neck out in exposing this whole thing for the monstrosity that it is.  But he still foolishly believes in vaccines, heading up something called the Vaccine Safety Research Foundation.  He has become good friends with Kennedy and Malone.  It’s worth mentioning that, by his own admission, Kirsch gave $20 million to the Democratic Party, though he no longer supports them, while Malone admits to voting for Biden, though he has since morphed into a Republican conservative type.  The Kennedys have always been incurable Democrats, of course.

It was his three-hour interview on the Joe Rogan Experience on December 30, 2021 that lifted Malone out of Deep State obscurity and launched his career as a self-styled crusader against government malfeasance regarding the Covid-19 jab campaign.  I’d never heard of Malone nor Rogan until shortly after this interview, the entire transcript of which I’ve read.  Elsewhere on this blog, I’ve written what I think about Joe Rogan, who hosts the world’s most listened-to podcast.  The kindest thing I can say about him is that he’s an irrelevant twerp.  He’s supposed to be controversial or something.  He is to the internet what Oprah Winfrey was to television and what Rush Limbaugh was to radio – an absurdly overpaid nonentity.  He has become quite chummy with Malone, who has referred to him as a “beloved media icon.”  Malone doesn’t understand that any media personality who earns $100 million a year is a distraction who serves the hidden wirepullers.  

Shortly after I discovered these two chumps, I came across a hit piece on the net entitled “Robert Malone – Dark Vaccine Wizard.”  It was written by an Omar Jordan, also unknown to me.  It went for Malone’s jugular, portraying him as a crafty liar with the most evil ulterior motives.  O.J. began his composition by stating that he was mixing facts available in the public domain with his personal opinions based on the evidence, and inviting the reader to follow the many links he provided.  I don’t feel as strongly about Malone as O.J. does, and he wrote a few things that don’t make sense to me, but I found myself in general agreement with him.  Jordan’s composition is 26 pages long, and you can read it in pdf form on the internet, so I’ll just touch on a few points here.

One thing that immediately caught my eye was a screen shot of a “tweet” Malone made on his Twitter account, dated August 5, 2021.  It reads: “OK folks – looking forward, what do we need if we have accepted protocols for early outpatient treatment?  1) CDC has to get its act together.  2) We need very active surveillance, tracing, testing.  3) We need the ability to test (ideally self-test) for SARS-CoV-2 infection.”  In my eyes, recommendation #2 by itself reveals the mindset of a man with totalitarian leanings whom I would never trust, and whose pretensions as a champion of freedom, in spite of any noble-sounding future assertions, should be rejected out of hand.

Whoever O.J. is – I could find only one Omar Jordan on the net, a real estate lender in Iowa – never discount anyone just because he has no credentials.  He’s spot-on in describing the game being played: “By employing Malone as a soft ‘whistleblower,’ the powers that be are using him to set an artificial limit as to what is an acceptable level of dissent or opposition to their obvious mainstream lies and deception.  [This applies equally to Joe Rogan – JM.]  When they censor him, then all of the truthers go running into his arms for comfort.  They do this because they conclude that if he’s being censored, then he must be telling the truth….But he doesn’t represent the true opposition (us) – he’s an insane demon who thinks vaccines save lives and has spent his entire life creating these elixirs of death and destruction….There is not a single person in the entire so-called “resistance” or “anti-vaccine” movement that actually represents the view that all vaccines are dangerous.”  In my opinion, O.J. went a step too far in calling Malone an “insane demon,” and as noted, there are a handful of totally anti-vax voices in the movement, but he’s essentially correct here and throughout his essay.  The above quotation was a response to an exchange between Malone and Steve Bannon, former investment banker and Trump advisor, current member in good standing of Conservatism Incorporated, and yet another multi-millionaire, pro-vaccine “soft whistleblower” type.  In his powder-puff interview, Bannon asked Malone, “Your entire life is in support of trying to get vaccines that help mankind, correct?” to which Malone replied, “I’m the opposite of an anti-vaxxer.  I’m a true believer.  But I’m also committed to safety and good science.”   

As far as credentials go, Malone has enough to fill a boxcar and he’s not shy about showing them off.  Beginning in the second minute of the Rogan interview, he rattles off his life story, including his numerous connections with vaccine companies, the Department of Defense, the CDC, the intelligence community, and other movers and shakers.  I can’t say I was awestruck.  On his website, below an introduction that includes accolades from Rogan, Kennedy, Bannon and others, we read: “I am an internationally recognized scientist/physician and the original inventor of mRNA vaccination as a technology, DNA vaccination, and multiple non-viral DNA and mRNA platform delivery technologies.  I hold numerous fundamental domestic and foreign patents in the fields of gene delivery, delivery formulations, and vaccines including for fundamental DNA and RNA/mRNA vaccine technologies.  This is important because of my history, my expertise, my words carry weight.”  It doesn’t end there; he goes on and on.  The man clearly has an inflated opinion about himself.

I spend a lot of time reading the comment boards of various websites, because I like to know what the more intelligent members of society are thinking, including people overseas.  I’ve read three or four hundred comments about Rober Malone.  While he does have his admirers, even people who worship him, about seventy percent of what I’ve read is negative.  Of these, only a few go to extreme lengths, calling him truly terrible names.  Most use terms like Big Pharma shill, a wolf in sheep’s clothing, or something like “I’ve always had my suspicions about Malone,” “Something about this guy isn’t quite right,” and so forth.  He has been slammed on both sides, by the pro-vaccine mainstream media, who have denounced him as a spreader of misinformation (how they love that word), and by forthright anti-vaxxers, who have questioned his many inconsistencies.  He confronted the latter in an article posted on americanfreedomnews.com on September 14, 2022 entitled “J’Accuse!,” which begins with an account of the terror unleashed by the bloodthirsty Jacobins during the French Revolution, which he likens to his own critics.  Robert may have gotten his history mixed up because the famous cry “J’Accuse!” (I accuse) was a front-page newspaper headline above an open letter that appeared during the Dreyfus Affair in France, a century later.  In any case, while I’ve come across many calls for the execution of Anthony Fauci and Bill Gates, I haven’t read of a single death wish among Malone’s many detractors, because his crimes are not as egregious, so to compare them to the Jacobins is absurd.  On the other hand, he comes out squarely against certain allegations that may be untrue, in a few instances even displaying accusatory screen shots.  But I don’t like his stuffy, jazzy style, with a long quote from Macbeth thrown in to show us how cultured he is.  In addition to becoming a phony health freedom leader, Malone sees himself as Doctor Deepthink, a farsighted visionary on social issues.  But his sappy ideas remind me of college dorm bull sessions. 

Malone is like Donald Trump without the bluster.  He’s an actor who comes across as a sincere and soft-spoken teddy bear.  And I do believe that there’s some sincerity in him.  But like Trump, he’s a bullshit artist who boasts of accomplishments that exist only in his imagination.  He has come under fire for claiming mRNA technology as his invention, while others say that this distinction – and I use that word paradoxically – belongs to two doctors named Drew Weissman and Katalin Kariko.  Another war of words erupted over his friendship with a Belgian psychoanalyst named Mattias Desmet and the concept of “mass formation,” to which Malone slyly added the word psychosis, and which he alludes to in “J’Accuse.” and elsewhere.  There’s nothing new about mass formation; basically, it’s the phenomenon that human beings, being social animals, will think and act in conformity with those around them.  Many observers of human behavior have written about it.  It’s what Nietzsche called the herd instinct, what William Pierce called the lemming factor, and it was the subject of The Crowd, a famous book written and published in 1895 by French psychologist Gustave Le Bon.  But Malone twisted it to argue that masses of ignorant people had been gripped by the hallucination that the Covid narrative had been spun by an elitist cabal, when in fact this was not a hallucination at all but the reality, and Malone, loyal to this cabal, was deflecting the conspiracy by blaming the victims.  That, at any rate, was the charge leveled by his critics, and I think they’re right, despite Malone’s denials.

On October 30, 2022, Malone filed a defamation lawsuit against Peter and Ginger Breggin, and Jane Ruby, and their respective sponsors, America Out Loud and Red Voice Media.  I’d never heard of these people before 2021, but have since become acquainted with them through the internet.  The Breggins are an elderly Jewish couple from Long Island.  Their yankee doodle kosher patriotism turns me off, but on the whole they appear to be good people who for decades have battled the evils in the psychiatric profession, and won some important victories, especially with regard to the abuse of pumping up children with psychotropic drugs.  Ruby, who appears to be a Gentile, has posted many hard-hitting videos on the horrors of the Covid-19 shot, about a dozen of which I’ve watched.  She can be bitchy at times, but I think she’s a decent woman who has done a lot of good work.

Malone is suing the defendants for $25 million in damages, which, I believe, would bankrupt them.  It shows not only malice on his part, but poor judgment.  To my knowledge, none of his many friends and admirers have supported him on this, at least not publicly; silence has been their response.  A voice of reconciliation, Dr. Paul Alexander, pleaded with Malone to knock it off and try to work things out with the Breggins.  Yet another person I’d never heard of before Covid, Diane West, who earlier had written some unflattering lines about Malone on her blog, lit into him, calling the lawsuit “a stink bomb of a disgrace, an anti-personnel weapon of free speech destruction, a heat-seeking lawfare missile targeting financial ruin.”  

I read the complaint in its entirety.  For the most part, I found it to be whiney and frivolous.  Most of it is directed at the Breggins, who are quoted in a series of fourteen bullet points.  Some of their accusations are pretty serious, and if untrue would constitute genuine defamation, but putting myself in Malone’s shoes, if they really are lies and I wanted to clear my name, I would demand that they let me explain my side of the story on their site, or in Ruby’s case to be interviewed on camera in order to set the record straight.  I think they would have accorded him that.  If not, and if in fact they are lying, then a defamation lawsuit would be justified.  One can follow links in the complaint leading to the allegedly defamatory assertions.  I did this for a few hours, watching video clips and reading articles, and this material leads to still more links.  It seems that everywhere you turn there’s something fishy about this guy, something that raises a red flag.  Eventually, I decided to stop wasting my time chasing down all these rabbit holes, and not bothering to discuss the remaining points I had jotted down.  Robert Malone simply cannot be trusted.  I even began to suspect that OJ was right all along, that Malone is pure, unmitigated evil, but I don’t think that’s the case and at this point I’m not making any final judgment.

Even though Malone is not politically aligned with Donald Trump, as I said, they have many similarities.  Both have massive egos.  Both have a knack for appealing to ordinary people.  Both occasionally say things and endorse policies that make sense, while others lead to disaster.  Of particular note here is Trump’s endless bragging that he was “The Father of the Vaccine,” a title he still is apparently proud of, though in his probable bid for the 2024 presidential nomination, he has learned to keep his mouth shut about Operation Warp Speed.  Likewise, Malone never tires of calling himself the inventor of mRNA technology.  That sounds so scientific and it impresses a lot of people, but where’s the beef?  Assuming he’s telling the truth, that this was his baby and not that of Weissman and Kariko, as others maintain, does it mean that he invented the Frankenstein technology that has enabled a gang of monsters to easily cull a substantial portion of humanity?  Shouldn’t he be begging for the world’s forgiveness, or hiding in a cave somewhere to escape the world’s wrath, rather than basking in cheap fame?