When Race War Comes to the Suburbs

We are in the midst of an attempted communist revolution, like the insurrections that broke out in much of Europe after World War One.  There haven’t been any epic battles – not yet, anyway – such as there were in our Civil war of 1861-1865.  But there have been numerous street conflicts around the country, some involving gunfire.  As far as I can see, all our major cities are finished.  Law-abiding people, including idiot liberals who are now waking up a bit, and who can afford to move to suburban and rural areas, are doing just that by the millions, turning cities into dead zones of economic collapse with few safe havens remaining.  Some of us had seen this coming for a long time, and in 2020 it happened, and not only with violence in the streets, but with a pre-planned pandemic with all the bells and whistles – draconian lockdown measures, a push for forced vaccinations, destruction of small businesses, and a replacement of social norms with bizarre “new normal” routines.

But getting back to the issue of raw violence, and the relative safety outside of urban areas – just how safe are they?  Out in the country, far from any black area, nearly as safe as they’ve always been, I’m sure.  But the answer is more complicated for the roughly 130 million white Americans living in the traditionally safe suburbs, which I myself called home nearly all my life, until recently moving to rural upstate New York.  The short answer is, it depends on which metropolitan area you reside in, your distance from the city center, and your distance from nonwhite suburban areas. 

Let me give you a demographic sketch of Long Island, that 118 mile-long appendage jutting east from Manhattan that hardly any tourists visit, and for good reason: though there are some lovely, uncrowded beaches on both the north and south shores if you know where to find them, and farms, wineries and scenic towns way out east on the north fork, most of it is just sprawling and soulless – too much asphalt, too many cars, too many strip malls, too many people.  Nevertheless, I had a happy childhood growing up in the small, densely populated village of Williston Park, twenty miles east of Manhattan.

Geographically, the New York City boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens, which I won’t go into, comprise 20% of the island.  That dirty, congested “city feel” dissipates the further east you go but it still exists here and there, depending on the make-up of the population.  Racially, Long Island is pretty much a checkerboard.  Many towns are solidly “white ethnic” with a sizable component of older stock whites, though intermarriage has blurred these distinctions.  There are quite a few black towns or enclaves, and no matter where you go on the island, you’re never more than ten miles from one of them.  Needless to say, all of them are undesirable areas, though they vary, the better type blacks preferring to keep their distance from the lower types if they can, and you can easily see the difference on the streets.  Lying in the shadow of the world’s most Jewish city outside of Israel, there are, of course, many Jews, but they tend to be clustered in certain towns.  In other towns there aren’t nearly as many, and in some there are very few.  One huge change that has taken place in my lifetime is the influx of Central Americans and Asians, mainly Indian and Chinese.  In the 1960s, these people had virtually no presence here, aside from the local Chinese restaurant.  Now you see them all the time, with the mestizos in particular concentrated in certain towns.  Even today, however, there are quite a few towns on Long Island that are overwhelmingly working and middle class white, and as good a place as any suburban area to live.  And there are many upper class white towns, or districts, that have always been quite safe.

Yet these days, how safe are they?  What would happen if there was a single justified shooting by a white cop of some black animal in the area?  You know what would happen.  It’s been bad for many years, and in 2020 it got much worse.  I was a young teen in the late 1960s, and I remember well the race riots back then, especially the summer of 1967.  They were erupting everywhere, and there even may have been more looting, property destruction, and loss of life in that year than in 2020.  But in some ways the riots were more contained.  I was only thirteen at the time, and there may have been more problems on Long Island than I was aware of, but all I heard about was negroes walking into a department store in the heavily black town of Hempstead, stealing merchandise, and walking out without being stopped.  Hempstead was only four miles down the road from my home, and the thought of this lawlessness spreading towards my town frightened me.  But it didn’t spread.

There are ominous aspects to the current situation as compared to the 1960s riots.  The police were not as much on the defensive back then; they had more latitude in the use of justified, deadly force.  There was no toppling of statues that symbolize American history.  There was no corporate support of Marxist black organizations like the Black Panther Party, the violent activities of which have been far surpassed by Black Lives Matter, and no one got fired from their jobs for criticizing them.  While there was no shortage of revolutionary street scum, with a heavy Jewish component – who raised hell during the Vietnam War protests that overlapped the racial chaos, and radical groups like the Weathermen sometimes took to planting bombs – there was really nothing like Antifa, BLM’s bosom buddies.  I really have no idea where these legions of crazed white zombies, hell bent on destruction, come from.  Black savages I can understand, but not so many whites acting the same way, and while Jews, as always, swell their ranks, many of them aren’t Jewish.  Lastly, and most concerning, is that these animalistic mobs have made a habit, in some parts of the country, of invading the suburbs to menace white residents.  A wave of murderous home invasions might be next.  These incursions into the white suburbs never happened in the sixties.  All these developments have convinced me more than ever that America is in its death throes.

From 1988 to 1997, and again from 2003 to 2021, I lived in Amityville – yes, the same town of “The Amityville Horror” fame.  Amityville is racially and administratively divided, with whites a slight majority.  North of the elevated railroad tracks it’s nearly all black plus some mestizos, and south of the tracks it’s nearly all white.  Amityville High School is in the south part of town, but it’s very black, and for that reason, though they’ll never admit it to a stranger, most white parents send their kids to private high schools.

Being frugal, and not owning a computer, in the latter 18-year period of my residence I would go to the Amityville Public Library to use theirs, until they closed down because of Covid in March 2020, forcing me to buy a desktop to use the internet.  The library had twelve computers.  On average I’d be there five days a week for an hour or two, and ten computers would be in use, mostly by blacks.  I used the computer at that library thousands of times over the years.  I could write a book of amusing stories on the differences between white and black behavior, just from the things I saw at the library.  Maybe twice a month there was an episode of unruly behavior, like a fit of anger or loud cursing, that put others, black and white alike, on edge.  Certain individuals who frequented the library always made people nervous.  On three occasions, when I was there, the police were called and responded, though I never saw any physical violence or arrests.  And I must say that most black patrons who used the computers never caused any trouble, and were respectful towards the white staff, who often assisted them with computer tasks.  I must also say that, in the 27 years I lived in Amityville, I never knew of any ugly racial confrontations.  There was, of course, the inevitable rash of criminal activity north of the tracks, but it almost never reached us, and I’m sure it was on a smaller scale than what goes on in Harlem and the south Bronx.  There was very little social interaction between the races in Amityville, except in some churches.  The one exception was the two or three annual festivals held in the heart of the village, near the tracks, where black and white families mingled in equal numbers, but even then they kept mostly to themselves.  The local police were always on hand in a relaxed mood, and I never saw any trouble break out.  I’m not naive about racial matters.  I know things can change in a heartbeat anywhere whites and blacks live near each other.  I’m just telling you what I saw. 

There were a lot of protest marches of various sizes on Long Island following the death of black waste product George Floyd in Minneapolis on May 25, 2020.  My apartment was close to the intersection of Broadway and Merrick Road, two main arteries in town.  Three times in June they went marching north on Broadway, a hundred yards from my doorstep.  The second march was fairly large, around 500 people, the others smaller.  I imagine they acquired permits, because three police cars, lights flashing, led the marchers, and three brought up the rear.  The marches went off peacefully; everything was under control.  Still, it’s unnerving to hear hundreds of voices chanting “No Justice, No Peace,” as they walk past you, and of course there’s no guarantee that things won’t suddenly turn violent.  About one-fourth of the marchers were white.  Most of them looked like losers – I recall a fat girl of 18 or 19, her legs covered in tattoos – but many looked normal, and a few even marched with their children, carrying “Black Lives Matter” signs.  Goddam pathetic white liberal airheads.  In early July they marched yet again, taking a different route down Merrick Road, through neighboring Massapequa and Seaford, where there’s a police station.  Both towns are nearly all white, though there’s a small racially mixed area in Massapequa near the Amityville line.  This time I didn’t go watch, but I could hear them chanting, and I’m sure Merrick Road had to be closed to traffic.

By chance, in late June I learned of several other marches on Long Island that had taken place earlier that month.  (I don’t read the daily Long Island rag, Newsday, which probably censored most of them, and surely slanted what it did report.)  A few of these “protests” were outright hostile invasions of white neighborhoods with a clear intent of scaring the residents.  There were some heated confrontations, a few arrests, and at least one instance where a white man, a truck driver stopped at a traffic light, was almost assaulted by a black mob.  I’ll mention just two because they happened only six or seven miles from my home, and I’m thoroughly familiar with the surroundings, having delivered home heating oil in both white and black residential areas there for many years.  Along the south shore, going west from Seaford, you have Wantagh, Bellmore and Merrick.  This string of five towns from Massapequa to Merrick is about 95% white.  From Merrick you cross Meadowbrook Parkway, which runs north and south through a narrow patch of woods, and then you’re in Freeport, a big draw to Central Americans, which is about evenly divided between whites, blacks and mestizos – a grungy town with a Bronx feel to it, though the waterfront area known as the Nautical Mile is, or at least used to be, quite pleasant, lined with recreational fishing boats for hire, outdoor bars and restaurants, and a few bustling seafood markets.  After Freeport there’s Baldwin, and from those two towns northward, forming a contiguous area, are Roosevelt, Uniondale and Hempstead, mentioned earlier.  Baldwin is mostly white though a lot of blacks have moved in over the last thirty years.  Uniondale was mostly white when I was young, but now it’s very black.  Roosevelt has always been very African, and the same is true of Hempstead.  All the problems associated with negroes you’ll find here in spades, though it’s not as dangerous as it is in the inner cities.  I was always a bit apprehensive working these towns, on some blocks more than others, and I knew of four armed robberies of oil drivers since many customers pay in cash, but I was always prudent and alert and nothing bad ever happened to me.

Well, with such a large nonwhite population to draw from, some black and brown people took it upon themselves to organize an invasion of Merrick on June 3rd.  A veritable army – I heard a figure of 10,000 – shut down both Sunrise Highway and Southern State Parkway, the two busiest east-west routes, and they also marched down Merrick Road then up Merrick Avenue through the heart of town, lined with businesses.  The express purpose was to “bring it” to whitey.  I believe that most of these marchers were easily duped, low IQ morons, and not motivated by racial hatred.  There definitely was, however, a contingent with violence on their minds.  If not for a large police presence, including helicopters flying overhead, there’s a good chance this would have turned into a riot, with all the looting and property destruction that entails.  In any case, thousands of residents were concerned and frightened, for very good reason.  Even though they were always mindful of the fact that Freeport and Roosevelt, with all their African genes, were just a stone’s throw away, I’m sure they never imagined something like this happening in their peaceful town.  On the very next day, the protestors returned, again in vast numbers, and marched through Bellmore, as always chanting and holding signs, this time right through quiet residential streets.  As far as I know, there were no serious incidents, but who knows that one spark lit by an agitator trying to be the next Al Sharpton couldn’t have set off this racial powder keg.  The citizens of Bellmore, I’m sure, were even more shocked by this development than their neighbors in Merrick, since they’re a little further away from the black areas.  Quite honestly, it took me by surprise too, even though I’ve known for many years that America has been on a racial collision course.  But sometimes it takes something like this, something right in your backyard, to prove that it’s real. 

This time marches, next time slaughters.  And if not wholesale slaughters, innumerable brutal beatings and killings of whites, all with the indifference or the approval of many government officials, and the people who control the mass media.  It has happened before, many times, including in the American South, during the Reconstruction era that followed the Civil war.  It happened during the French Revolution at the end of the eighteenth century, the gruesome lasting image of which is the guillotine, which saw plenty of use in Paris and other large cities.  Speaking of which, on at least one occasion, Antifa rolled a guillotine through the streets of Portland, and in many cities they and their fellow BLM scum fanned out into the suburbs to threaten and terrorize white people.

If you think the wholesale butchering of whites can’t happen in the American suburbs, you need to think again.  I’m not saying that it will happen, but I am saying that it might.  It happened in the former French colony of Haiti, in the wake of the French Revolution.  Something close to it has been happening for the last 25 years in South Africa, where all too many whites were led to believe that they could atone for their past “systemic racism” by sharing political power with blacks and living happily ever after in racial harmony.  Nothing about this ever appears on television, so for Americans it can’t really be happening.  In any case, it’s the height of bad taste to talk about the innate savagery of a sizable minority of blacks, and a sizable minority of Jews who are behind all the racial mayhem here and abroad, especially those who call the shots in the media.

Life has no mercy for the weak, the blind, and the stupid.  Better wake up, White Man.