I titled this category “The Covid Vaccine Blog” not “The Vaccine Blog,” because the carnage caused by the Covid vaccine is an extremely pressing issue, and I figured that everything I had to say about vaccines in general is to … Read the rest of this article.
Nobody Needs Public Health Agencies
Until recently, I never questioned the concept of what is called public health, even though I’ve long known of the uselessness of the CDC, FDA, and state and county health departments everywhere. Public health: think about it. What is that … Read the rest of this article.
What Is This Thing?
In 1961, when I was a little boy growing up on Long Island, I used to watch a science fiction horror TV show, Chiller Theatre, which aired on WPIX, a local station, on Saturday afternoons. There were episodes like Creature … Read the rest of this article.
My Buddy Andrew Cuomo
There are politicians and then there are politicians. Nearly all of them are useless, but there are some that are so low that they seem like fictional characters out of a bad novel, because most of us have never been … Read the rest of this article.
This Is About a Karen
From dictionary.com, whatever the hell that is: “Karen is a pejorative slang term for an obnoxious, angry, entitled, and often racist middle-aged white woman who uses her privilege to get her way or police other people’s behaviors. As featured … Read the rest of this article.
A Non-Challenge from Someone Who Doesn’t Like Me; 30 January 2024
Well! Nine months have passed without anyone responding to my challenge, but the drought just ended. I have no idea how many people have come across my website since it went up two years ago, but I will say that … Read the rest of this article.
Whatever Happened to Hitchhiking?
Goddamn, has this country changed in my lifetime, and for the worse in almost every way. The 1960s, and especially the last three years of that decade, was a tumultuous era, what with nationwide race riots, violent street protests against … Read the rest of this article.
Just Another Kennedy

It was a Friday afternoon around two o’clock, and some of my fifth grade classmates were getting restless. We’d be … Read the rest of this article.
Stuck in the Muck: Musings and Ramblings About Conservatism These Days, part 2
Emotions always run high during wartime when one’s country, or a close ally, is brutally attacked. And so it is now, as I write, shortly after Israel, our only dependable ally in the Middle East, whose people only wish to … Read the rest of this article.
Stuck in the Muck: Musings and Ramblings About Conservatism These Days, part 1
I moved from Long Island to rural upstate New York two years ago. I have an 86-year-old neighbor down the road named Walter who lives in a nice house with an American flag hanging on the front porch. He recently … Read the rest of this article.