I noticed that Philip Caputo belatedly posted my comment of March 8th on his website, under his January 30th “dispatch,” and again I was surprised. I admire him for that, because it did not reflect well upon him, … Read the rest of this article.
Dad Tested Positive for Satan
Much of the world is in turmoil over everything related to Covid. I can’t help but believe that our current situation is similar to what happened in ancient times when, throughout the civilized world of the Roman Empire, people must … Read the rest of this article.
Anti-Vaxxer: What’s in a Word?
This is a serious discussion, but no one is ever going to take the imp out of me, so I’ll begin it with an off-color but relevant story.
Many years ago my ex-wife and I were traveling around France in … Read the rest of this article.
The Word Has Gone Out, and No Takers! Why Not?
About a month after posting my $30,000 offer, I hit upon the idea of contacting, or maybe I should say confronting, certain established people who had voiced their support of the Covid-19 injection – voiced it on the scale from … Read the rest of this article.
Iran 2016 — Journey to a Politically Incorrect Land
“Boy, you really do like danger, don’t you?” “Better not bring any bibles with you.” “What are you going there for? They hate us”
I turned a deaf ear to all the nonsense. People whose horizon is no wider than … Read the rest of this article.
Africa — the Big Picture
(Note: I wrote this in 2015, intending for it to be presented in some form on a radio program. That didn’t happen, but it did appear on the website whitebiocentrism.com. It’s more an attempt to educate than entertain, to … Read the rest of this article.
Canada, Russia and Australia: Globalist Wirepullers Play Their Hand
This is the first time in more than a month that I’m writing on this blog, and much has been happening on the Covid front. At present, the media have bigger fish to fry in the Ukraine, their newest global … Read the rest of this article.
Resistance Isn’t Futile
First things first. If you are of European ancestry, and yearn to know the truth about what is happening in America and around the world, and are basically conservative but disgusted by the mealy-mouthed, multimillionaire Fox News crowd, and mamby-pamby … Read the rest of this article.
Will Vaccines Be the End of Us? Author Interview Video
Truckers and Embalmers
It has dawned on me, at this point, that it’s a waste of time trying to change anyone’s mind, and that the ten or fifteen percent who know what’s going on, thanks to the internet, will be a mile ahead … Read the rest of this article.