Although I’m glad Tucker Carlson is on the air, he’s really getting on my nerves. I don’t know who writes his scripts, but he can never tell the truth about anything without balancing it with lies. He’s worse than the … Read the rest of this article.
A Conspiracy So Evil
I watched a very important 20-minute video last week, a “zoom” discussion which featured Reinhard Fuellmich, who holds both German and American citizenship, I believe, Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, a German, two other doctors, British and German, and reference to Michael … Read the rest of this article.
Latest Covid News: A Ceausescu Situation?
As with other major historical events involving many players, hidden agendas, and secret agreements, we’ll never know the full truth about the Covid-19 saga. Some things we can only speculate about. But a knowledge of history and human nature makes … Read the rest of this article.
Morocco, Land of Endless Hassles
Before I begin telling you about Morocco, a country in its own league, let me wrap up my overall impressions of the Arab world, which encompasses a large chunk of the Middle East and stretches across the entire Mediterranean littoral … Read the rest of this article.
Syria, Jordan, Palestine and Egypt
Nusaybin Hudut Kapisi, the fresh Turkish exit stamp in my passport read. Straight ahead was El Qamishliye, Syria, a remote, sleepy frontier town near the desolate point where Turkey, Syria and Iraq meet. It was 1984 and I was not … Read the rest of this article.
Bolivia and a Side of Paraguay
I travel to discover lands and people, not so much to visit famous places, though I enjoy that too. This is what distinguishes travelers from tourists. I admit to a little snobbery here, considering myself a traveler and looking down … Read the rest of this article.
Beware of Coca Leaves
I was never into drugs, but I can’t say I’m a virgin either. When I was a senior in high school, I smoked an illicit substance with some friends, which on that first occasion happened to be hashish. After that, … Read the rest of this article.
I Remember Kindness
I don’t know about where you live, but on Long Island, my home turf until recently, there are a lot of elementary schools. Many of them are surrounded by chain link fences, and often messages of two or three words … Read the rest of this article.
What’s Your Favorite Country?
When people learn of my travels far and wide, they often ask what my favorite country is. I never tire of the question because I always love to talk travel. But in reality it’s an impossible question to answer, for … Read the rest of this article.
“They Hate Americans”
“They hate Americans.” Oh, bullshit. I’ve heard that silly line so many times I’ve lost count. It’s just one more sign of how ignorant Americans are, how watching television has destroyed their minds. Having traveled to 97 countries, and interacted … Read the rest of this article.