Although I’m glad Tucker Carlson is on the air, he’s really getting on my nerves. I don’t know who writes his scripts, but he can never tell the truth about anything without balancing it with lies. He’s worse than the … Read the rest of this article.
A Conspiracy So Evil
I watched a very important 20-minute video last week, a “zoom” discussion which featured Reinhard Fuellmich, who holds both German and American citizenship, I believe, Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, a German, two other doctors, British and German, and reference to Michael … Read the rest of this article.
Latest Covid News: A Ceausescu Situation?
As with other major historical events involving many players, hidden agendas, and secret agreements, we’ll never know the full truth about the Covid-19 saga. Some things we can only speculate about. But a knowledge of history and human nature makes … Read the rest of this article.
Commercial Pilots Severely Injured by Covid Shots
I’ve been acquainted with only two commercial airline pilots, but the men who choose this profession have always struck me as being made of the right stuff. I can’t think of a job that requires a higher level of character, … Read the rest of this article.
Covid Mandates and the Communist Mentality
At present, eight or nine states have a mask mandate, meaning that by “executive order” as dictated by their stupid tyrant governors, masks must be worn inside all public buildings. Here in New York, it was great to see the … Read the rest of this article.
The Sixth Sense
I believe that we’re living through one of History’s great watersheds, like the eras when the world’s major religions were established. As I see it, the population has settled into three main groups: those who know that there’s something evil … Read the rest of this article.
The Biggest Hoax in World History
If you’re reading this, you’re probably in the minority of the awakened, or at least skeptical of the endless mainstream media lies that have been pumped out since early 2020. I’m guessing that there are close to 100 million Americans … Read the rest of this article.