I’ll begin this serious discussion on a light note by admitting that I have a high opinion of myself. Nothing narcissistic really, just a bit of an ego sometimes. For example, if my conversation with a stranger turns to travel … Read the rest of this article.
World War One: A Study in National Insanity
History is filled with government decrees that make absolutely no sense and did much more harm than good. This is because “government has always been a monopoly of the most vicious and ignorant of mankind,” as Thomas Paine, one of … Read the rest of this article.
A Survey of Mass Hysteria and Conformity American Style
This corona virus pandemic of hysteria spans the globe, but since I’m American I want to examine the phenomenon in my own country, this phenomenon that Dr. William Pierce called “the lemming factor” in human affairs – the overpowering compulsion … Read the rest of this article.
For Baseball Fans
For 24 seasons, from 1974 to 1997, I was a high school baseball umpire on Long Island, and worked other levels as well, from Little League to Stan Musial League, the highest level of non-professional baseball with mostly college and … Read the rest of this article.
My $30,000 Offer to Anyone Who Believes in Vaccines
It took doctors more than 2000 years to figure out that bloodletting – the practice of draining blood from a patient to cure an illness – made no sense, and caused a lot of harm. It took them 400 years … Read the rest of this article.
Welcome to endtheshots.com
Welcome to my website. The idea of creating it came to me a long time ago, while writing my book Will Vaccines be the End of Us? Thirty years of part-time research and ten years of writing and revising went … Read the rest of this article.
John Massaro Biography
I was born in Mineola, a Long Island suburb of New York City, on November 24, 1953, the first of four children to middle class parents. Two of America’s most notorious serial killers, Charles Starkweather and Ted Bundy, share my … Read the rest of this article.
Commercial Pilots Severely Injured by Covid Shots
I’ve been acquainted with only two commercial airline pilots, but the men who choose this profession have always struck me as being made of the right stuff. I can’t think of a job that requires a higher level of character, … Read the rest of this article.
Covid Mandates and the Communist Mentality
At present, eight or nine states have a mask mandate, meaning that by “executive order” as dictated by their stupid tyrant governors, masks must be worn inside all public buildings. Here in New York, it was great to see the … Read the rest of this article.
The Sixth Sense
I believe that we’re living through one of History’s great watersheds, like the eras when the world’s major religions were established. As I see it, the population has settled into three main groups: those who know that there’s something evil … Read the rest of this article.