Will Vaccines Be the End of Us? – The Book
My book is large; 8 1/2″ X 11″, 290 pages in length. It contains many photographs, along with reproductions of important material going back more than a hundred years.
For a printed copy, send $20 (cash, check or money order) … Read the rest of this article.
My $30,000 Offer to Anyone Who Believes in Vaccines
It took doctors more than 2000 years to figure out that bloodletting – the practice of draining blood from a patient to cure an illness – made no sense, and caused a lot of harm. It took them 400 years … Read the rest of this article.
Commercial Pilots Severely Injured by Covid Shots
I’ve been acquainted with only two commercial airline pilots, but the men who choose this profession have always struck me as being made of the right stuff. I can’t think of a job that requires a higher level of character, … Read the rest of this article.