All you have to do to understand the criminal nature of vaccines is take a good look at the prominent people who push them so hard. Bill Gates is a fine example. As one of the world’s richest men, who … Read the rest of this article.
I’m at a Loss
I titled this category “The Covid Vaccine Blog” not “The Vaccine Blog,” because the carnage caused by the Covid vaccine is an extremely pressing issue, and I figured that everything I had to say about vaccines in general is to … Read the rest of this article.
A Non-Challenge from Someone Who Doesn’t Like Me; 30 January 2024
Well! Nine months have passed without anyone responding to my challenge, but the drought just ended. I have no idea how many people have come across my website since it went up two years ago, but I will say that … Read the rest of this article.
Interesting Update to Update #3
On April 19, 2023, I received the following email from a man whom I’ll identify only by his first initial, T:
… Read the rest of this article.I think Dan _______ beat you.
Your defense of your money rests on two fraudulent statements:1) “I don’t
Update #2: More on my $30,000 Offer
On May 2nd I received an email with the subject line “Poison vax and your attacks on Christianity” from a Jeff in Illinois. He was not applying for the cash prize. It was a long, rambling letter, only a few sentences … Read the rest of this article.