I moved from Long Island to rural upstate New York two years ago. I have an 86-year-old neighbor down the road named Walter who lives in a nice house with an American flag hanging on the front porch. He recently … Read the rest of this article.
Interesting Update to Update #3
On April 19, 2023, I received the following email from a man whom I’ll identify only by his first initial, T:
… Read the rest of this article.I think Dan _______ beat you.
Your defense of your money rests on two fraudulent statements:1) “I don’t
My Letter to Robert Malone
As an afterthought, I’m writing this introduction after finishing the letter below, which I emailed to rwmalonemd@substack.com on March 20. Do I expect to get a personal reply from Malone? Of course not. But letters and emails to public figures … Read the rest of this article.
A Tale of Three Roberts
The first news about a novel coronavirus that struck Wuhan, China – the virus, real or imagined, that would come to be known as Covid-19 – was reported in the U.S. on or about December 31, 2019. Thus, the Age … Read the rest of this article.
Covid Jab Update
While researching my book Will Vaccines Be the End of Us?, from time to time I would come across the claim that vaccines would be deliberately used to kill off billions of people. These wild allegations appeared exclusively on the … Read the rest of this article.
Update #3: An Unusual Challenge
On November 2nd, I received a brief email from a fellow named Dan taking me up on my offer. He said he had an example of an exceptionally successful vaccination program, adding that it was “possibly too successful.” My first … Read the rest of this article.
My Battle with Christianity
This is a serious composition about an important stage in my life. I’ll get to it. But first, in response to “Dad Tested Positive For Satan,” which appears on my Covid Vaccine Lowdown Blog, I received the following from a … Read the rest of this article.
Update #2: More on my $30,000 Offer
On May 2nd I received an email with the subject line “Poison vax and your attacks on Christianity” from a Jeff in Illinois. He was not applying for the cash prize. It was a long, rambling letter, only a few sentences … Read the rest of this article.
More Proof that Israel Was Behind 9/11
In the months and years after September 11, 2001, there was plenty of commentary in the alternative media that implicated Israel in the events of that day. I had my doubts about that, not because I ever believed the fairy … Read the rest of this article.
What’s Up with China?
At the beginning of Will Vaccines Be the End of Us? I wrote a page headed “Maybe China can teach us a few things.” It was about a top Chinese public health official named Zheng Xiaoyu who was sentenced to … Read the rest of this article.